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Booking system - Support (volunteers)

Last Updated 23rd April 2020


Setting up your account


You will receive an email like the one below, once verified.

Click the 'link' to set your password.

Settng up your account

Setup password


Enter a new password twice to setup your Project5 login password.
Make a note of this, as you will need it to log in again.

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Training and Terms & Conditions​


Access your training using the 'practice guidelines link' on the page shown below.

Read the T&Cs and then confirm all statements to continue.

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Setup issues​


See our help-page for volunteers who experience issues setting up their account.


Re-access practice guidelines


The booking system welcomes you with brief instructions.  

These can be re-opened by clicking the 'Help' button on the top right.

Your practice guidelines can be re-opened from the 'practice guidelines' button also.

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Making your sessions available for NHS Staff


Clicking on any slot will make it available in the system - this is immediate and saves immediately.


The system will ask you if you want to make these available weekly?

adding sessions
Screenshot 2020-04-23 at 14.15.48.png

Our service relies on you being available weekly - so clicking yes is the easiest option.  You will then be asked to confirm how many weeks - don't worry... this is not a lifetime commitment! 


Or you can state 'No' and then move through each week and select your preferred hours each week (if they differ week to week).


Use the week selector on the top left to move between weeks:

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We require 4 hours minimum per week - but you can add more if you'd like.


Whatever sessions you add will be made available, the system does not limit how many bookings you can take.  You limit this by what availability you offer.


How will you know if you have a booking?


You will receive a calendar invite for all bookings made - so check that your inbox does not send emails from to your spam box.  You will always receive either 2 invites (if you are a coach, Tier2) or 3 invites (if you are a mental health practitioner, Tier3) - as staff will book all of their sessions with you in one visit to the site.


Please then make contact, via email, to agree how you'd like to meet (Zoom, Skype, telephone etc).


Deleting sessions


You can edit your availability - choosing to delete a specific session in a specific week, or to remove all of the repeats of a selected session time.


Simply find the session(s) you'd like to delete and move the mouse over it.  Then click the 'X' symbol to delete.  You will be asked if you'd like to delete just 'This slot' or 'All recurring slots'.  

deleting session
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NOTICE: If you try to cancel a slot that has a booking in it, you will be notified.  It is critical that the NHS Staff member is informed before delete the session in this system.  This is a good practice standard that is required - to avoid any confusion for the NHS Staff member. 


Once delete, an email will be sent to the staff member confirming this. 


Returning to the booking system


Re-enter the booking system at any time using the "login" link, within the volunteers tab at the top of

login again
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